News Geology

Volcanic Eruptions Cool Earth More

A recent study by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that current climate models have underestimated the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions, particularly

 News Medicine

Masks protect against radioactive decay

Medical masks can almost completely prevent the absorption of radioactive radon decay products, according to recent research. Radon is a gas that is produced during

 News Environment

Stop Emissions Now to Accelerate Global Warming

A new study by scientists at the University of Washington has found that an immediate halt to all human-made greenhouse gas emissions would initially accelerate

 News Chemistry

New Atmospheric Substance: Hydrotrioxide

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery that hydrotrioxides can be formed in the Earth’s atmosphere. These highly reactive compounds have unknown effects on the environment

 News Medicine

Seeking Volunteers for Inhaled Covid-19 Vaccine

German scientists have developed a Covid-19 vaccine that can be inhaled instead of injected. The vaccine is designed to deliver the active ingredient directly to

 News Physics

Moisture boosts mask effectiveness.

A new study conducted by Abhishek Saha and his team at the University of California San Diego has found that higher humidity levels can improve

 News Environment

First Evidence of Human-Caused Climate Change

For the first time, scientists have provided direct evidence of the impact of human activity on the Earth’s energy balance and, consequently, on climate change.

 News Medicine

Clear Masks for Infection Prevention?

Clear plastic masks have gained popularity due to their high level of comfort. However, how effective are they in protecting against infections compared to surgical

 News Chemistry

New Mask Disinfects Airborne Coronavirus

A new type of face mask has been developed by scientists at Northwestern University that could help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The mask

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Risk Calculator Online

A new algorithm has been developed that calculates an individual’s risk of infection in indoor spaces based on current research. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is known