Story Biology

Chinese Perspective on the Origin of Modern Humans

A skull discovered in 1978 in Dali Province, Shanghai, China, holds the potential to reshape the narrative of modern human origins. Strikingly resembling an ancient

 Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 Story Biology

Tracing the Earliest Homo Sapiens Beyond Africa

In a groundbreaking discovery, the potential earliest fossil of a modern human outside Africa has been unearthed in Israel. A fossilized jawbone, recovered from the

 News Biology

Savannah Animals’ Biggest Fear?

A new study has revealed that elephants, rhinos, and giraffes are more afraid of human voices than the roars of lions, which are considered the

 News Biology

Rhinoceros Populations Rise Despite Poaching

The number of rhinos in Africa has significantly increased despite ongoing poaching, with plans to release 2,000 more rhinos into the wild. According to the

 News Medicine

Rising Obesity in Poor Nations

A recent study conducted by the Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) has shed light on the increasing prevalence of obesity in many African countries. While hunger

 News Biology

Oldest African burial site discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, the oldest burial site in the history of hominins has been found in Africa. The discovery challenges previous assumptions about human

 News Biology

New Snake Family Identified

A new study has revealed that the Micrelaps snakes, known for their distinctive black and yellow ring patterns, belong to a previously unknown family of

 News Economics

World Population Approaching 8 Billion

The world population is set to reach eight billion people tomorrow, according to the United Nations (UN). The UN predicts that the population will continue

 News Environment

Climate change extends wildfire season

The impact of climate change on the occurrence of wildfires has been a topic of scientific research for some time. A recent study by the