News Astronomy

Universe may be twice as old

A new study suggests that the universe may be twice as old as previously thought. This is supported by stars like Methuselah, which appear to

 News Psychology

Cannabis Linked to Male Schizophrenia

A new study published in Psychological Medicine by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has found that up to 30% of schizophrenia cases in young

 News Medicine

Intelligence Declines After Age 35

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists has found that human intelligence continues to increase until the age of 35, after which

 News Psychology

Happiness Peaks in Early 30s

According to a recent retrospective longitudinal study, people are happiest on average between the ages of 30 and 34. Surprisingly, childhood is not considered the

 News Medicine

20.6 Million Years Lost to Covid-19

A recent study conducted by the Imperial College London has revealed that Covid-19 and indirect deaths have caused up to 38% excess mortality in Europe.

 News Psychology

Men Lie More Than Women.

A recent meta-analysis of over 44,000 participants has revealed that men tend to lie more frequently than women. However, the analysis also shows that age