News Medicine

Boost Senior Memory with Simple Method

Aging is a natural process that affects everyone, and one of the biggest concerns for seniors is cognitive decline. However, a recent study conducted by

 News Medicine

High Alcohol Consumption Harms Muscles

A recent study conducted by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has revealed that increased alcohol consumption leads to muscle loss, particularly in older individuals.

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging Process Quickly

Aging is a natural process that affects all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, recent research has shown that the biological age of

 News Medicine

Young Blood Extends Life

A groundbreaking experiment with mice has shown that the blood of young animals can reset the “life clock” of older mice. Similar treatments for humans

 News Medicine

Extend Life in Old Age for Former Smokers

Former smokers can significantly reduce their risk of death in old age through lifestyle changes. Many smokers are aware that regular inhalation of tobacco smoke

 News Medicine

Negative Health Effects of Higher Retirement Age

A higher retirement age has negative effects on both physical and mental health, according to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW

 News Medicine

New Vaccine Halts Aging Process

A new vaccine has been developed that can eliminate senescent cells, also known as zombie cells, and stop the aging process. These cells do not

 News Medicine

Mental Speed Stays High at 60

A new study challenges the widely held belief that older people think slower than younger ones. While previous studies have shown that reaction times decrease

 News Medicine

Boost Cognitive Abilities with Moderate Alcohol Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Georgia College of Public Health has found that moderate alcohol consumption in middle to older

 News Medicine

Brain Aging Stopped by Fecal Transplant

Groundbreaking research from the University of Cork has found that stool transplants from young mice can significantly improve the memory performance of older mice. The