News Archeology

Volcanic Eruptions Ended Chinese Dynasties

The impact of large volcanic eruptions on climate change has been studied for centuries. However, a recent study by Trinity College in Dublin has found

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens Beer Production

The effects of climate change are threatening the beer production in Europe, as the amount of hops and alpha acids, which are crucial for the

 News Biology

Genetic Data to Improve Super Potato Breeding

The threat of climate change to agriculture is a growing concern in many regions. Researchers at McGill University have created a Super-Pangenome of the potato

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens European Ski Resorts

The impact of climate change on agriculture in Europe is becoming increasingly apparent. A recent study by the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech

 News Environment

Can Germany Feed Itself?

Germany Imports Majority of its Food: Study Shows Self-Sufficiency Possible with Reduced Meat Consumption Germany imports a significant portion of its food, but a new

 News Archeology

Climate Change and the Tibetan Empire

The historical rise and fall of the Tibetan Empire was influenced by climate change, according to a study by researchers from the Chinese Academy of

 News Environment

Chemical-free plant protection against gray mold discovered.

A new RNA-based fungicide could replace chemical fungicides in the fight against gray mold. Gray mold can infect a variety of fruits and vegetables, causing

 News Environment

10g Meat Daily: New German Guideline

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has significantly reduced its recommendations for meat consumption. By the end of 2023, the guideline is expected to be

 News Psychology

Meat Consumption Rises Despite Campaigns

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological

 News Psychology

Porn Consumption Triggers Eating Disorders

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological