News Environment

Replacing Insecticides with Pheromones

Insect pests are responsible for a significant portion of global crop losses. While insecticides protect against the problem, they are heavily criticized in the public

 News Environment

Climate Change Causes More Flooding

The impact of climate change on Europe has been significant, with increased rainfall leading to more frequent and severe flooding in the region. If this

 News Biology

Genetic Roots Create Resilient Crops

Genetically modified plants have been found to develop deeper roots, making them more resilient to environmental conditions and enabling agriculture in harsher environments. Additionally, these

 News Environment

Burgundy’s Wine Harvest Reveals Climate Change

The impact of climate change on agriculture is becoming increasingly evident, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events affecting crop yields worldwide. A recent study

 News Biology

CRISPR Gene Editing Allowed in Russia

Russia is planning to revolutionize its commercial agriculture industry by using the controversial gene-editing tool CRISPR to develop 30 genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by 2027.

 News Environment

Bananans at risk from climate change and fungus

The effects of climate change are being felt in the world’s largest banana-producing countries, India and Brazil, where rising temperatures and reduced rainfall are leading

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens Wheat Harvest

The threat of climate change to global food security has been highlighted by a recent study, which found that 60% of wheat-growing regions are at

 News Biology

Rising Resistance to Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Argentina’s farmers are facing a growing problem with glyphosate-resistant weeds that are spreading rapidly. A new herbicide to combat the resistant weed is not expected

 News Biology

Tree Grafted with 40 Fruits

In a groundbreaking achievement, a professor of art has created a tree that bears 40 different fruits simultaneously. Sam van Aken, a professor at Syracuse

 News Environment

Evergreen Apple Approved by US Authorities

The US Department of Agriculture has recently approved a genetically modified apple from Canadian biotech company Okanagan Specialty Fruits. The Arctic Apple, as it is