News Medicine

Boost Cognitive Abilities with Moderate Alcohol Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Georgia College of Public Health has found that moderate alcohol consumption in middle to older

 News Psychology

Smart People: Less Athletic, More Alcohol

Intelligent People Share Certain Characteristics, Study Finds Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have long been used to measure a person’s intelligence, but recent studies suggest that

 News Medicine

Half a Glass of Beer Can Cause Vision Problems

A new study published in The Journal of Physiology by scientists at NASA Ames Research Center has found that the current legal blood alcohol limit

 News Medicine

Underestimating Alcohol Intake

Many people underestimate their blood alcohol level, according to a recent experiment conducted by scientists at the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany. The study, published

 News Psychology

Alcohol can’t chase away negative feelings.

Alcohol is often used by many people to suppress negative emotions. However, according to a study, the drug actually intensifies depressive feelings. Researchers at the

 News Medicine

Alcohol Boosts Brain Cell Diffusion

Regular alcohol consumption can lead to changes in the brain that cause the happiness hormone dopamine to spread more strongly, which can lead to addiction

 News Chemistry

New Sensor Detects Methanol in Alcohol

A new device has been developed that can detect whether alcohol has been mixed with methanol in just two minutes. Additionally, the device can read

 News Medicine

5+ Beers a Week Increases Mortality

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that the current alcohol consumption limits set by various countries are too high. The

 News Medicine

Alcohol-induced brain damage persists

Alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the brain, which continues to damage nerve tissue even after weeks of abstinence. In Germany, only three percent of

 News Medicine

Genetically Modified Drink Prevents Hangovers

A new probiotic has been developed that claims to prevent the onset of alcohol-induced headaches, commonly known as hangovers. The probiotic, created by startup ZBiotics,