News Biology

Giant Amphibian Found in Garden Wall

A rare discovery of a fossilized amphibian, similar in appearance to the Chinese giant salamander, has been made in Australia. The fossil was found by

 News Biology

Glyphosate Causes Heart and Brain Malformations

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Ulm has found that the controversial herbicide glyphosate, even without its additional ingredients, can cause

 News Biology

Giant Aga Toad Found in Australia

A giant, poisonous cane toad has been discovered in Australia, breaking the world record for its species. Weighing in at a whopping 2.7 kilograms, the

 News Biology

Gill-less Tadpoles Created

Scientists Create Oxygen-Producing Tadpoles through Photosynthesis In a recent study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) have created tadpoles that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without

 News Biology

Tiny frog lives in carnivorous plant.

In a stunning discovery, scientists from the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern have found a tiny frog living on and inside a carnivorous plant in Borneo. The