News Biology

Sleeping Reindeer Chew

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery about the sleep patterns of arctic reindeer. These animals live in an environment where the amount of daylight changes

 News Biology

Chimpanzees Attack Gorillas: First Time

In a shocking discovery, scientists from the University of Osnabrück and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have observed large groups of chimpanzees deliberately

 News Environment

Beavers Speed Up Permafrost Thawing

Biber Could Accelerate Climate Change by Creating Artificial Lakes Biber, the animal landscape architects, are creating artificial lakes that could accelerate the thawing of permafrost

 News Biology

Dolphins Use Tools for Hunting

Dolphins have long been a mystery to researchers due to their mysterious behavior patterns. However, through intensive observation and study, scientists have made some remarkable

 News Biology

Shark Hunting Seals Revealed in Video

New research has revealed that the hunting behavior of Great White Sharks varies significantly depending on their location. Scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research

 News Biology

Killer Whales Terrify Great Whites

In a surprising discovery, scientists have found that even great white sharks, with their average length of four meters and weight of up to 2,000

 News Biology

Why Cats Love Boxes So Much

Cats and cardboard boxes seem to have a magical attraction. But why is that? A team of scientists from the Veterinary Medicine University of Utrecht

 News Biology

Dogs rely on colors more

Dogs primarily use color information over brightness to complete certain tasks, according to new research from Russian scientists. Despite having a much poorer color vision

 News Biology

Beluga Whales Mimic Human Voices

In a fascinating discovery, scientists from the National Marine Mammal Foundation in San Diego have reported that a captive beluga whale was able to imitate