News Technology

Living animals used as robot parts.

In a groundbreaking development, researchers from Yamagata, Keio, and Tohoku universities in Japan have used living beetles and pill bugs as grippers for a robot.

 News Technology

Mini Robot Jumps 30 Meters

A 30-gram robot has achieved an incredible feat by jumping over 30 meters in height at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Pandemic Risk

The rapid melting of glaciers due to climate change is causing the release of unknown viruses and bacteria that could trigger new pandemics. A recent

 News Medicine

Regeneration: Frog grows new leg

A new drug cocktail has led to the regeneration of a new leg in frogs after amputation, raising the possibility of improving human regeneration abilities

 News Biology

Animals Sense Earthquakes in Advance

German scientists have investigated the phenomenon of animals predicting natural disasters, which has often been dismissed as superstition. The results suggest that the behavior of