Story Biology

Lucy’s Tragic End: A Glimpse into Human Evolution

Three million years ago, the renowned human ancestor Lucy met a tragic demise, leaving behind fossilized bones that remain unparalleled in paleoanthropology. Donald Johanson, Lucy’s

 Story Biology

Chinese Perspective on the Origin of Modern Humans

A skull discovered in 1978 in Dali Province, Shanghai, China, holds the potential to reshape the narrative of modern human origins. Strikingly resembling an ancient

 Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 Story Biology

Tracing the Earliest Homo Sapiens Beyond Africa

In a groundbreaking discovery, the potential earliest fossil of a modern human outside Africa has been unearthed in Israel. A fossilized jawbone, recovered from the

 News Archeology

Skull Modifications in Japan

In Japan, it has been discovered that intentional skull modifications were performed on children in the Hirota culture between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD.

 News Archeology

Ancient Origins of Romantic Kissing

New evidence has emerged that kissing may have originated in the Near East around 4,500 years ago, contradicting the previous belief that it began in

 News Archeology

Earliest Evidence of Horse Riding Found

The discovery of human bones from the graves of steppe nomads has revealed that the Yamnaya culture, which existed around 4,500 to 5,000 years ago,

 News Biology

Accelerated Human Development due to Climate Change

The impact of climate change on human development has been highlighted in a new study, which suggests that extreme weather conditions in eastern Africa have

 News Biology

New Prehistoric Human Found in Israel

A new species of ancient human has been discovered in Ramla, Israel. Fossils dating back 140,000 to 120,000 years were found during excavations and are

 News Biology

Discovery of Hobbit-like Human Species in the Philippines

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