News Medicine

New Anxiety Suppression Gene Found

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Scientists at the University of Bristol have identified a gene that regulates anxiety

 News Medicine

Car Noise Increases Risk of Anxiety and Depression

A recent study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has found that exposure to constant traffic noise can increase the risk of anxiety

 News Medicine

Sports alleviate depression and anxiety.

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Gothenburg has found that a sports therapy program can significantly reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety

 News Medicine

Strict Parenting May Shrink Brains

A new study has found that harsh parenting can lead to smaller brain structures in children, which can even be detected through X-ray images. While

 News Psychology

Nightmares Prepare Brain for Real Fears

Nightmares and real fear activate the same regions of the brain, according to a recent study published in the journal Human Brain Mapping by researchers