News Biology

Deep-sea bacteria with magnetic properties

In a groundbreaking discovery, magnetotactic bacteria have been found in the deep sea, using the Earth’s magnetic field as a “railway track” for orientation. These

 News Astronomy

Alien Life Clue in Space Dust

Asteroid impacts can propel material from a planet into space, and this space dust can travel vast distances and survive for long periods of time.

 News Astronomy

Astrobiologists call for space sex debates.

The growing space tourism industry is bringing more and more people into space, prompting astrobiologists to call for a debate on sex and reproduction in

 News Astronomy

Supernovae: More Dangerous Than Thought

A recent study by NASA scientists has revealed that supernovae, or exploding stars, pose a greater threat to life on nearby planets than previously thought.

 News Astronomy

Universe Becoming More Hostile to Life

In the early universe, planets with dense ozone layers could form, providing protection for the atmosphere and serving as a prerequisite for complex life. However,

 News Astronomy

Revolutionizing Alien Search with Laser

A new analysis tool has been developed that can accurately examine complex connections related to life. The device is expected to aid in the search