News Medicine

New Antibacterial Molecule Group Discovered

A breakthrough discovery by scientists at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the University of Bonn could lead to the development of new antibiotics to

 News Environment

Microbes turn plastic waste into protein

Revolutionary Research Project Wins Future Insight Prize 2021 In a groundbreaking research project, Ting Lu from the University of Illinois and Stephen Techtmann from the

 News Environment

Superbugs Found in German Lakes

Bacteria with resistance genes against common antibiotics are present in almost all German lakes. Even resistance against reserve antibiotics is already widespread in the environment.

 News Biology

Cow stomach bacteria break down plastic

Plastic is a widely used material due to its affordability, durability, and strength. However, out of the 400 million tons of plastics produced each year,

 News Medicine

Bacteria Develop Record Resistance to Combination Drugs

A new combination of antimicrobial substances, designed to combat bacteria classified as particularly dangerous by the World Health Organization (WHO), has already developed resistance against

 News Medicine

Medieval remedy beats antibiotics

A thousand-year-old ointment made from ox bile, wine, garlic, and onions has been found to kill many bacteria that are already immune to conventional antibiotics.

 News Technology

UV-C Light Disinfects Smartphones from Coronavirus

A new device that uses UV-C radiation instead of chemicals to destroy viruses and bacteria is now available to disinfect smartphones, tablets, and other sensitive

 News Medicine

Salt harms immune system

Excessive salt in our food is not only unappetizing but also harmful to our health. While it adds flavor and enhances taste, too much salt

 News Environment

Bacteria Found Despite Disinfection in Meat Production

In a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, it was found that 93 out of 108 samples taken

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Promote Inflammatory Mouth Bacteria

E-cigarettes Increase Potentially Harmful Bacteria in the Mouth A recent study conducted by scientists at Ohio State University in Columbus has revealed that e-cigarettes can