News Medicine

Ginseng: Miracle Cure for Alzheimer’s?

A groundbreaking discovery has been made by scientists at the National University of Seoul, who have found that bacteria living in the soil can produce

 News Medicine

AI creates powerful antibiotic

In a groundbreaking discovery, American researchers have used AI algorithms to develop a highly effective new antibiotic that combats resistant bacteria in a novel way.

 News Biology

CO2-eating E. Coli bacteria

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science have created a genetically modified strain of E. coli bacteria that can derive all

 News Technology

Nano Coating Saves Water and Keeps Toilets Clean

Every day, approximately 141 billion liters of drinking water are wasted on flushing toilets. However, a new nanocoating for toilets could make them practically self-cleaning

 News Medicine

Green Vegetable Juice for Inflammation and Dental Health

Green vegetable juice contains nitrate, which is converted into a natural anti-inflammatory agent by bacteria in the oral cavity. The juice treatment significantly reduces chronic

 News Geology

Meteor Impact Sparks Life Below Ground

Bacteria have been found to live 620 meters below the Earth’s surface in the Siljan meteorite crater in Sweden, according to a study of core

 News Chemistry

Bacteria create biofuel from dairy waste.

A new conversion process has been developed that turns whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry, into fuel, animal feed, and medicine using a bioreactor

 News Chemistry

Bacteria turn CO2 into plastic and fuel

Scientists at the University of Colorado have developed a Bio-Nano hybrid that uses microbes to produce carbon-containing products such as plastic and gasoline from CO2,

 News Medicine

Good oral hygiene reduces Alzheimer’s risk.

A new study published in the journal Science Advances has found that bacteria responsible for causing gum disease, known as Porphyromonas gingivalis, can also contribute

 News Medicine

Killer Viruses Target Superbugs

Genetically modified phages have shown great potential in combating multi-resistant bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, these viruses have no side effects because they only target specific pathogens.