News Chemistry

Toothpaste ingredient boosts electric car range.

A new electrolyte containing fluoride, a toothpaste ingredient, has been developed by researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the United States. Lithium-metal batteries

 News Technology

No Capacity Loss with New Battery

A new solid-state battery has been developed with an electrode material that boasts unparalleled stability, even after hundreds of charging cycles, without any loss of

 News Chemistry

15-Minute Charge for Electric Cars

A breakthrough in battery technology has been made by scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and the University of Tennessee. They have discovered

 News Technology

Endless Train Rides with One Charge

The Infinity Train, developed by Fortescue Metals Group in collaboration with Williams Advanced Engineering, is a revolutionary transportation system that can run practically indefinitely on

 News Technology

Battery Containers for Electric Cargo Ships

A US-based start-up, Fleetzero, has developed a battery system that can power container ships without local emissions. The eight-tonne battery containers, which are secured against

 News Technology

2,000 km Range Boost with SALD Batteries

A new battery technology called Spatial Atom Layer Deposition (SALD) has been developed by a collaboration of Dutch and German scientists. The technology is expected

 News Chemistry

New Battery Absorbs CO2 During Charging

A new battery has been developed that can absorb CO2 from the air while charging. The cost per ton of greenhouse gas absorbed ranges from