Story Biology

The Roots of Parental Care

The crucial role of the hypothalamus in fostering parental care has been unveiled, shedding light on the self-sacrificing behavior exhibited by parents across species, including

 News Environment

Politics must promote eco-friendly behavior

The German government’s environmental policy has long focused on the industrial sector. However, a recent report by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) suggests that the

 News Medicine

Alcohol’s Impact on Brain Metabolism

A single episode of alcohol consumption can alter the brain for several days, even after the alcohol has left the bloodstream. While small amounts of

 News Biology

Does Breed Affect Dog Behavior?

A recent genetic study conducted in the United States has revealed that a dog’s breed has little to do with its temperament. According to researchers,

 News Psychology

Intuition reveals infidelity in relationships.

A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University has found that people can accurately detect infidelity in others, even if they don’t know them.

 News Biology

Bat Social Distancing

Sick vampire bats practice social distancing, according to a recent study by scientists from the Natural History Museum in Berlin, Ohio State University, and the

 News Medicine

Influences on Human Love Relationships

A new study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Canada has found that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the quality of their romantic

 News Biology

Animals Sense Earthquakes in Advance

German scientists have investigated the phenomenon of animals predicting natural disasters, which has often been dismissed as superstition. The results suggest that the behavior of

 News Biology

Dogs: Optimists or Pessimists?

Are dogs optimists or pessimists? This philosophical question, adapted to our furry friends, has some validity. Just like humans, dogs can exhibit both optimistic and

 News Biology

New Wasp Species Found in China

German researchers have discovered a new species of wasp in China with a peculiar behavior, adding to the list of known species. Michael Staab and