News Geology

36-Million-Year Cycle Shaped Life

A recent study by researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Sydney has discovered a 36-million-year cycle of plate tectonics that has led to

 News Biology

Rhinoceros Populations Rise Despite Poaching

The number of rhinos in Africa has significantly increased despite ongoing poaching, with plans to release 2,000 more rhinos into the wild. According to the

 News Environment

Heatwaves stress deeper water layers

A new study by the University of Algarve has found that marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent and intense in deeper waters, with potentially devastating

 News Environment

Deep-sea mining threatens unknown species.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean may soon become a site for deep-sea mining. However, a recent study has revealed that thousands of

 News Biology

Rediscovery of Lost Oak Species

In a remarkable discovery, botanists have rediscovered a species of oak tree believed to be extinct in the Big Bend National Park in Texas. The

 News Biology

Oldest Spider in Germany Discovered

In Lower Saxony, Germany, the oldest spider fossil in the country has been discovered. The Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki species is estimated to be 310 to 315

 News Biology

New Spider Species Found in Colombia

In the Pacific region of Colombia, one of the largest biodiversity hotspots on Earth, four extraordinary spider species have been discovered. The EAFIT University researchers

 News Biology

The Importance of Earthworms in Agriculture

Regenwürmer Boost Global Food Production, Study Finds Regenwürmer, also known as earthworms, are known to improve soil quality and plant productivity. However, a recent study

 News Archeology

Ancient Fossils Reveal Miniature World

A unique fossil site has been discovered in Wales, containing over 150 mostly tiny species. The site provides new insights into the diversity of life

 News Environment

Wind Farms Disrupt Waterbirds

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Kiel has found that offshore wind farms negatively impact the populations of certain seabirds. The