News Environment

Rapid Recovery of Tropical Forests

Tropical forests that have been cleared are recovering surprisingly quickly, according to a study by scientists at Wageningen University. The resulting secondary forests should therefore

 News Biology

Ancient Stone Coral Found in Great Barrier Reef

In the Great Barrier Reef, a 430-year-old stone coral with a record diameter has been discovered. The extremely resilient Porites coral has survived around 80

 News Environment

Mallorca’s Marine Reserve Benefits Economy and Environment

A new study has shown that protecting the environment can also benefit the economy. In 2007, an 11,000-hectare marine protected area was established in the

 News Biology

New Bird Species Found in New Guinea

In the outer southwest of Papua New Guinea, an international research team has discovered a new bird species, Melanocharis citreola, in the Kumawa Mountains. The

 News Biology

Beetle walks upside down underwater.

A small beetle has been discovered by researchers at the University of Newcastle in Australia that can run on the underside of water. While many

 News Biology

Unknown Vertebrate Regions on World Map

The world is home to an incredible variety of species, but only a small percentage of them have been scientifically described. In fact, estimates suggest

 News Environment

Nuclear Power Fails Climate Change

A recent metastudy based on the criteria of the EU Taxonomy Regulation has found that the continued operation of nuclear power plants does not help

 News Environment

Ocean Plastic Becomes Habitat

The Pacific Garbage Patch has become a new habitat for coastal and deep-sea creatures, forming communities that did not exist in nature before. Large garbage

 News Environment

Plastic Waste Boosts Deep-Sea Biodiversity

Plastic waste has been found to have a surprising impact on deep-sea life, according to a study by scientists from the University of Xiamen and

 News Environment

Care for Trees, Not Just Plant

The fight against climate change has taken a new turn as researchers from Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Spain call for a shift in focus from