News Environment

Neonicotinoids shrink ant colonies.

A new study by scientists at the University of Bern has revealed a previously unknown negative effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide Thiamethoxam on ant colonies.

 News Environment

Organic Farming Accelerates Climate Change

The ecological farming industry is known for its environmentally friendly practices, but a recent study published in the journal Nature has revealed that it may

 News Biology

World’s largest bee still alive

In a remarkable discovery, the Wallace’s giant bee, also known as Megachile pluto, has been spotted for the first time in nearly four decades. The

 News Environment

Coral Reef Found off Apulian Coast

Meeresbiologists have discovered a previously unknown coral reef off the coast of southern Italy that spans over two kilometers in length. What makes this reef

 News Biology

New Mammal Species Found in Europe

A new species of mammal has been discovered in Europe, according to a team of researchers. The newly discovered species is a type of mole,

 News Biology

New Deadly Snake Species Found in Australia

A new species of venomous snake has been discovered in Australia, adding to the country’s already dangerous wildlife. The snake, named Vermicella parscauda by researchers

 News Environment

Colombia Establishes Largest Rainforest National Park

Colombia has expanded its Serrania de Chiribiquete National Park in the south of the country to a total of 4.3 million hectares, making it roughly

 News Biology

Deepest Living Fish Found in Marianas Trench

In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of researchers from the University of Washington has caught a previously unknown fish in the Mariana Trench, the deepest

 News Biology

Barley’s complete genome decoded

After a decade of research, scientists have finally decoded the genome of barley, one of the world’s most important cereal crops. Barley has been a

 News Biology

Mysterious Deep Sea Sounds

In the depths of the Mariana Trench, researchers have recorded unknown sounds that could potentially be from a type of whale. The complex noises are