News Biology

Endless Lab Meat from Immortal Cells

Labor meat, also known as in-vitro meat, could be the key to sustainable food production for the growing world population. However, the production process requires

 News Chemistry

Mushroom-made Paper, Leather, and Thread

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of textile and paper production, researchers at the University of Borås have developed a process that uses

 News Medicine

Regeneration: Frog grows new leg

A new drug cocktail has led to the regeneration of a new leg in frogs after amputation, raising the possibility of improving human regeneration abilities

 News Environment

Bio-reactor Lab Caviar

The demand for real caviar has increased significantly in recent years, leading to prices of 50 euros or more per hundred grams. This is due

 News Medicine

Artificial Kidney Developed by Scientists

A groundbreaking development in the field of medical science has been made by an international team of researchers who have successfully created a prototype of

 News Chemistry

Bacteria create biofuel from dairy waste.

A new conversion process has been developed that turns whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry, into fuel, animal feed, and medicine using a bioreactor