News Astronomy

Aliens Could Use Black Hole for Energy

In 1969, physicist Roger Penrose proposed a theory that extraterrestrial beings could harness energy from a black hole by lowering an object into its ergosphere.

 News Astronomy

Active Black Hole in Milky Way

The black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy recently lit up brightly, with the afterglow of Sagittarius A*’s last major activity still

 News Astronomy

First Medium-Sized Black Hole Discovered

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery of a medium-sized black hole in the Messier 4 globular cluster, which is closer to our solar system than

 News Astronomy

First Photo of Black Hole with Jet

A group of radio telescopes has come together to create a virtual antenna the size of the Earth, capturing a joint image of the M87

 News Physics

Time Travel Without Causal Paradoxes

Time travel has long been considered impossible due to the existence of causal paradoxes in classical physics. However, a new study suggests that time travel