News Medicine

Resisting Chocolate and Temptations

The Brain Learns to Prefer Unhealthy Foods The typical Western diet is high in fat and sugar, and many people in industrialized countries prefer unhealthy

 News Psychology

Do Humans Have Free Will?

The Libet experiments from the 1970s and 1980s suggested that humans do not have free will. Now, the experiments have been repeated to solve the

 News Medicine

Discovering Human Near-Death Experiences

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan School of Medicine has shed new light on the phenomenon of near-death experiences. The

 News Medicine

Virtual Reality Experience: Facing Death

A new art installation in Melbourne, Australia is allowing visitors to experience their own death through an Extended Reality (XR) simulation. The installation, called “Passing

 News Medicine

Real Near-Death Experiences

In a groundbreaking study, scientists at the University of Louisville have recorded the brain activity of a person seconds before and after their death, revealing

 News Medicine

Brain Activity Recorded Before and After Death

For the first time, doctors have recorded the brain activity of a person seconds before and after their death. The observed brain waves are typically

 News Medicine

Brain Training Stops Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common diagnosis that often leads to the prescription of opioids as painkillers. However, these drugs can be addictive and have caused

 News Medicine

LSD induces brain semi-sleep

The consumption of LSD reduces communication between brain structures and leads to a state of semi-consciousness. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, USA,

 News Medicine

Electric Brain Stimulation Boosts Creativity

A recent study published in the journal Brain Structure and Function has found that deactivating certain regions of the brain through transcranial direct current stimulation

 News Medicine

Loneliness Alters Brain Activity

Loneliness and social isolation have become increasingly prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting people of all ages. A recent study published in the International Psychogeriatrics