News Medicine

Early Completion of Human Brain Development

New research from the University of Pittsburgh challenges the long-held belief that the human brain does not fully mature until the age of 25. The

 News Medicine

Cannabis Stunts Baby Growth

The use of cannabis during pregnancy has been found to significantly affect prenatal growth. Babies born to mothers who consume the drug have lower birth

 News Medicine

Criminal Minds: Smaller Brains

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University College London (UCL) has found that individuals who exhibit chronic antisocial behavior, such as theft, as

 News Medicine

Strict Parenting May Shrink Brains

A new study has found that harsh parenting can lead to smaller brain structures in children, which can even be detected through X-ray images. While

 News Biology

Single Gene Boosts Mouse Intelligence

The question of why humans are more intelligent than other living beings has long been a topic of scientific inquiry. One possible answer is that

 News Medicine

Snoring triggers behavioral disorders in children.

Children who frequently snore have thinner gray matter in the frontal lobe of their brains, leading to concentration problems, learning difficulties, and impulsive behavior. According

 News Medicine

Strict parenting shrinks children’s brains.

A new study from the University of Montreal has found that a consistently strict upbringing can have similar effects on a child’s brain development as

 News Medicine

Human gene inserted into monkey brain

Chinese and American scientists have successfully implanted the human gene MCPH1 into the brains of Rhesus monkeys. The gene is responsible for brain development, and

 News Medicine

Observing Brain Activity in Artificial Mini-Brains

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of California San Diego have successfully grown artificial mini-brains with functioning neural networks similar to those of

 News Medicine

Genes Linked to Intelligence Discovered

A groundbreaking study conducted by scientists at the Free University of Amsterdam has identified 40 genes that are responsible for intelligence. The study, which analyzed