News Medicine

COVID-19 Linked to Brain Damage

A new study from the University of Oxford has found that Covid-19 can cause brain damage even in mild cases. The researchers analyzed brain scans

 News Medicine

Schizophrenia linked to gene mutation

A groundbreaking study has identified a gene mutation that affects the brain’s gatekeeper as the cause of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects

 News Medicine

Alcohol and Neurodegeneration: A Connection?

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford has found that even moderate alcohol consumption can negatively affect the brain. While excessive

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation increases unhealthy cravings.

Sleep deprivation leads to a disrupted information exchange in the brain, causing people to consume more high-energy foods. According to scientists, a better understanding of

 News Medicine

High Salt Intake Linked to Alzheimer’s

A recent study conducted on mice has shown that excessive salt consumption can lead to the accumulation of deposits in the brain. These deposits are

 News Psychology

Boost Learning with Action Video Games

The negative perception of video games is a common one, but the positive effects of digital games are also well-known. For example, puzzle games can