News Medicine

Power Naps Boost Brain Volume

Regular midday naps have been found to increase brain volume in older adults, reducing the risk of dementia and other cognitive diseases. Recent studies have

 News Medicine

Boost Senior Memory with Simple Method

Aging is a natural process that affects everyone, and one of the biggest concerns for seniors is cognitive decline. However, a recent study conducted by

 News Medicine

High Coffee Consumption Shrinks Brain

A recent study conducted by the University of South Australia has found that consuming more than six cups of coffee per day can have significant

 News Medicine

Nutrient-enriched yogurt fights Alzheimer’s.

A new study has found that a yogurt drink called Fortasyn Connect can improve brain volume and everyday abilities in patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

 News Medicine

Fast Food Manipulates Brain’s Appetite Control

Fast food consumption can lead to changes in the brain’s appetite control after just a few days, potentially causing long-term damage to the hippocampus. Researchers