News Medicine

Brain Aging Stopped by Fecal Transplant

Groundbreaking research from the University of Cork has found that stool transplants from young mice can significantly improve the memory performance of older mice. The

 News Medicine

Brain Shows Obesity Risk

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Turku in Finland has found that disruptions in brain regions that control appetite and satiety

 News Medicine

Pupil Size Indicates Human Intelligence

The eye has always been a fascinating topic for poets, lyricists, and scientists alike. It is often referred to as the window to the soul,

 News Medicine

Caffeine alters brain structures

Regular caffeine consumption has been found to reduce the volume of gray matter in the brain and the hippocampus, a region of the brain that

 News Technology

Organic Brain Inspires Nanoelectronics

The human brain is capable of impressive feats. It can react to spontaneous actions in seconds and trigger a corresponding impulse. Compared to computer technology,

 News Medicine

New genes linked to alcoholism

A groundbreaking study has identified 19 genes associated with alcoholism, shedding light on the biological processes that lead to addiction and paving the way for

 News Medicine

Alcohol Boosts Brain Cell Diffusion

Regular alcohol consumption can lead to changes in the brain that cause the happiness hormone dopamine to spread more strongly, which can lead to addiction

 News Medicine

Mobile Radiation Harms Teen Memory

Mobile phone radiation has been found to impair the visual memory of teenagers who use their phones excessively. The study, conducted by scientists at the

 News Medicine

Brain Resilience Boosted by Bacteria Vaccine

A recent study conducted on rats has shown that a vaccine made from bacteria can prevent inflammation in the brain caused by stress. Clinical trials

 News Medicine

Gaming Boosts Brain Power

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute have found that playing video games can be beneficial for the brain. The study showed