News Medicine

Cause of Covid-19 vaccine breakthroughs

A recent study conducted by the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) has discovered possible causes for Covid-19 breakthrough infections, even in fully vaccinated individuals. The largest

 News Medicine

Rising Covid-19 risk after 90 days post 2nd dose

A new study with 80,000 participants has found that the risk of Covid-19 infection increases significantly three months after receiving the second vaccine dose. Despite

 News Medicine

Similar viral load in vaccinated and unvaccinated infected individuals.

A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford has found that the viral load of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is similar

 News Medicine

Surprising Increase in COVID Vaccine Breakthroughs

A startling new report has revealed that at least 20% of newly diagnosed Covid-19 cases in some US states are breakthrough infections, occurring in fully