News Medicine

Milk vs. Plant-Based: Healthier Option?

Plant-based milk alternatives have been gaining popularity in recent years, with many people opting for them as a healthier and more ethical alternative to traditional

 News Medicine

Vegetarians at Higher Risk of Hip Fractures

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds has found that vegetarians are more likely to suffer from hip fractures than those

 News Medicine

Fluoride damages tooth enamel cells.

Fluoride in Toothpaste Linked to Dental Fluorosis in Children The human tooth enamel is one of the hardest surfaces in nature, consisting of 95% inorganic

 News Medicine

Matcha Tea: Japan’s Health Wonder

Matcha tea, originally created over 750 years ago by Buddhist monks as a relaxation drink during Japanese tea ceremonies, is now considered a healthy alternative

 News Medicine

Cow’s Milk Linked to Osteoporosis

The decision to give up cow’s milk as a source of nutrition can be based on various reasons, including ethical and health-related concerns. Lactose intolerance