News Medicine

CBD Eases Chemotherapy Side Effects

CBD (Cannabidiol) has been found to have numerous positive effects on the human body, including the ability to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, according

 News Medicine

Breast Cancer Turns Killer Cells into Helpers

New research has revealed that killer cells, which are usually the perfect weapon against cancer tumors and metastases, can be reprogrammed by contact with cancer

 News Medicine

New Human Organ Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam have identified a previously unknown organ at the entrance of the Eustachian tube.

 News Medicine

Identifying Mutational Fog as Highly Carcinogenic

APOBEC Enzymes, which are supposed to defend against diseases, are attacking human cells and causing mutation clouds that frequently lead to cancer. Researchers from the

 News Medicine

Red Meat Increases Colon Cancer Risk

A new study by scientists at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern has found that a diet high in red meat can increase the risk of

 News Medicine

Old Blood Boosts Cancer Cell Aggression

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York has found that an increased concentration of Methylmalonic acid (MMS)

 News Medicine

Chromosome Decay Causes Cancer

Chromothripsis, or chromosome explosions, have been found in 49% of all cancer cases. These tumors are more aggressive than those caused by slow mutations and

 News Medicine

Blood Test Detects 50 Types of Cancer

A new blood test has been developed that can detect 50 different types of cancer with varying degrees of accuracy, ranging from 18% to 93%

 News Medicine

Radiation and Shift Work Increase Cancer Risk for Flight Crew

A new study from Harvard University has found that flight attendants and pilots are twice as likely to develop cancer due to high levels of

 News Medicine

Beer ingredients fight obesity, cancer, inflammation.

The ingredients found in hops have been found to suppress inflammation and aid in the prevention of cancer and obesity. However, due to the negative