News Medicine

Chinese tree may cure cancer.

A rare tree species, Abies beshanzuensis, found only in China, has been found to contain a compound that can suppress tumor growth. Unfortunately, there are

 News Medicine

Night Shifts Linked to Cancer: WHO

Night work has long been known to be detrimental to health, with links to obesity and diabetes. Now, a new metastudy has classified night work

 News Medicine

Sodas shorten life expectancy: WHO

A new study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has found that consuming half

 News Medicine

Polymer filter reduces chemotherapy side effects.

A new polymer filter that can be inserted directly into a patient’s vein has been developed by scientists at the University of California in Berkeley.

 News Medicine

Cancer: Top Cause of Death

Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in industrialized countries, and experts predict a similar trend in poorer countries in the

 News Medicine

Bargain Hunters More Likely Overweight

A recent study conducted by Cancer Research UK has found that individuals who frequently purchase items on offer are more likely to be overweight or

 News Medicine

Longer Life with Coffee Consumption

A recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal suggests that coffee consumption may have a life-extending effect. The study analyzed data from approximately

 News Medicine

Doctors convert cancer cells to fat

Researchers have successfully transformed cancer cells into harmless fat cells, with the added benefit that this treatment can be applied to metastases. The team led

 News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Likely Cause Cancer

E-cigarettes have become increasingly popular due to their lack of odor, lower cost, and perceived ability to help smokers quit. However, a new study has

 News Medicine

Bone Marrow Donation for Leukemia Patients: Now Possible for All Parents

A breakthrough in the fight against leukemia may be on the horizon, as Italian doctors have developed a new procedure that could simplify the search