News Technology

Google’s AR microscope detects cancer cells.

Google has unveiled a prototype of its Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM) at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting in Philadelphia. The microscope

 News Medicine

Success in Skin Cancer Vaccinations

In two independent studies, scientists have achieved initial success with a vaccine against black skin cancer. Both approaches stimulate the patient’s immune system to attack

 News Medicine

Blood Test Detects Various Cancers

A groundbreaking new method for detecting various types of cancer in blood cells has been developed by researchers in Hamburg. The blood test, which costs

 News Medicine

Universal Cancer Vaccine on Horizon

German researchers may have made a breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the help of a vaccine. Every year, 224,000 people in Germany die

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Hope for Universal Cancer Cure

In a groundbreaking discovery, Danish and Canadian researchers may have stumbled upon a universal cure for all types of cancer while searching for a vaccine

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3D-Printed Titanium Chest for Cancer Patient

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, a cancer patient has received a new chest cavity, including a breastbone, created through a special 3D printing process. The

 News Medicine

Smoking Linked to Y Chromosome Loss

Smoking is known to increase the risk of lung cancer and accelerate skin aging, but recent research suggests that it can also alter blood composition.

 News Medicine

Soap Linked to Liver Damage and Cancer

Chemicals are present in many of the products we use daily, including hygiene products like soap, toothpaste, deodorants, and cosmetics. While these products are meant

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Rainforest Fruit Kills Cancer Quickly.

Australians have discovered a rainforest fruit that kills 75% of tumors in animal trials within minutes. The Fontainea picrosperma, also known as Fountains Blushwood, is

 News Medicine

Cancer drug destroys lung cancer

Researchers in the United States are currently conducting studies on the experimental cancer drug OTS964 and its ideal method of administration. They have achieved impressive