News Economics

Rise in Illegal Drug Consumption

The consumption of illegal drugs has significantly increased over the past decade, according to the United Nations. Opioids such as heroin and cannabis are responsible

 News Economics

Legalizing Cannabis Increases Traffic Accidents

The legalization of cannabis is expected to bring in billions of euros in tax revenue for Germany, but it also has its downsides. According to

 News Medicine

Cannabis Stunts Baby Growth

The use of cannabis during pregnancy has been found to significantly affect prenatal growth. Babies born to mothers who consume the drug have lower birth

 News Psychology

Cannabis Linked to Male Schizophrenia

A new study published in Psychological Medicine by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has found that up to 30% of schizophrenia cases in young

 News Medicine

High Heavy Metal Levels in Cannabis Consumers

Cannabis consumers have significantly higher levels of lead in their blood compared to non-users, according to a recent study by researchers at Columbia University Mailman

 News Medicine

Rise in Cannabis-Related Suicide Attempts

The legalization of cannabis in the United States has led to a significant increase in suicidal attempts involving the drug, according to a study by

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Male Fertility

Cannabis Use Linked to Decreased Sperm Production A recent study conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has found that regular

 News Medicine

Cannabis and Weight Loss: Explained

A recent study has found that despite the common “munchies” effect associated with cannabis consumption, regular users of the drug tend to have lower body

 News Medicine

Legalizing Cannabis Increases Alcohol Consumption

A recent study with 4.2 million participants has found that cannabis and alcohol are complementary drugs. This means that the legalization of cannabis could lead

 News Medicine

Cannabis Use and Lack of Drive?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge has challenged the stereotype of the “lazy stoner.” The study aimed to investigate whether