News Biology

Vegan Diet for Cats: Suitable?

A recent study conducted by the University of Winchester has investigated whether vegan diets are suitable for cats, who are carnivores and primarily consume meat.

 News Environment

Pet Food Impacts Environmental Footprint

The carbon footprint of dogs and cats is heavily influenced by their food, with emissions varying by up to 689% depending on the type of

 News Medicine

4% of House Cats Had COVID

A recent study conducted in four European countries analyzed 2,160 blood samples from domestic cats for the coronavirus. The results showed that around four percent

 News Biology

Cat allergy vaccine for cats coming soon.

A new vaccine has been developed that prevents the formation of an allergy-causing protein in cats. The vaccine has shown no side effects in animal

 News Medicine

Better Sleep with Dogs in Bed

Dogs are not only known as man’s best friend, but also as a better sleeping partner – at least for women. According to a recent

 News Biology

Why Cats Love Boxes So Much

Cats and cardboard boxes seem to have a magical attraction. But why is that? A team of scientists from the Veterinary Medicine University of Utrecht

 News Biology

What do cats say with ‘meow’?

A recent study conducted by a cat lover and expert in phonetics, Susanne Schötz, aims to explore the possibility of communication between humans and cats.