News Technology

Power companies can limit electric car and heat pump charging

Germany’s low-voltage power grids are not currently equipped to handle the increasing demand for electricity. As a result, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has allowed

 News Economics

Decline in satisfaction with electric cars in Germany

The satisfaction of electric car owners in Germany is decreasing, with the highest customer satisfaction being reported for Tesla, Genesis, and Porsche. As the number

 News Medicine

Electric Cars and Pacemakers: A Risk?

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has investigated whether the electromagnetic fields generated by electric vehicle charging stations pose a

 News Technology

Electric Car Charging in Sidewalk

Rheinmetall, a German technology company, has presented a solution to the lack of public charging stations for electric cars in the country. According to a

 News Economics

Electric Trucks to Lead Market by 2035

Electric trucks are set to dominate the market in Europe, North America, and China in the coming decade, with their total cost expected to be

 News Technology

Shorter Wait Times for Electric Cars

A new navigation algorithm has been developed that can reduce waiting times at charging stations for electric cars by up to 97 percent. The use