News Chemistry

Eco-Friendly Plastic for Wind Turbines

A breakthrough in the recycling of epoxy resin-based plastics has been achieved by researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa).

 News Chemistry

Green Hydrogen Production Breakthrough

A new method for producing green hydrogen has been developed by researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of Kansas. The team used

 News Chemistry

Solving the Mystery of Handed Molecules

Louis Pasteur discovered in 1848 that there are “mirrored” molecules that are chemically identical. The reason for the existence of these molecules has now been

 News Chemistry

Artificial Photosynthesis Outperforms Solar Cells

A groundbreaking new nanomaterial has been developed by researchers at the Technical University of Munich that can convert sunlight into usable energy with significantly higher

 News Chemistry

Creating Highly Reactive Lewis Superacids

A new group of highly reactive Lewis superacids has been discovered that can break even strong chemical bonds. This acid could potentially be used to

 News Biology

Bacteria create rocket biofuel

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have used genetically modified bacteria to create a new biofuel for rockets that outperforms gasoline, kerosene, and rocket

 News Chemistry

Efficient Hydrogen Battery Developed

A highly efficient hydrogen battery made from affordable materials has been developed by scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) in Germany. The battery

 News Chemistry

Waste to Resource: Simplified Process

A groundbreaking new process has been developed that simplifies the recycling of plastics. Scientists at Cornell University have presented a new method for recycling polystyrene

 News Chemistry

Record-breaking fluorescent aluminum compound discovered.

A new aluminum compound has achieved a quantum yield of one in its dissolved state, a level of fluorescence that has not been achieved in

 News Geology

Alien Minerals Found in Meteorite

In a recent study of the El Ali meteorite found in Somalia, scientists have discovered two new minerals that have never been found on Earth