News Medicine

Pleura Cancer: Discovery in Prognostic Markers

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and challenging condition with a grim survival rate. However, a recent study conducted by a team led by

 News Medicine

Self-Destructing Cancer Cells with Diet

A groundbreaking study has found that a special amino acid diet can cause aggressive cancer cells to self-destruct. Researchers from the University of North Carolina

 News Medicine

Opening Blood-Brain Barrier with Ultrasound

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been made by scientists at Northwestern University in the US, who have developed a method of temporarily opening the

 News Medicine

Revived Testicular Tissue Produces Sperm

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania offers hope to prepubescent boys who may become infertile due to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can kill the sperm-producing

 News Medicine

Breakthrough: Inhibitor for Resistant Cancer Cells

A new inhibitor could potentially treat tumors that were previously resistant to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is still the most common treatment for cancer, but cancer cells

 News Medicine

Old Blood Boosts Cancer Cell Aggression

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York has found that an increased concentration of Methylmalonic acid (MMS)

 News Medicine

Platinum nanoparticles fight liver cancer.

Platinum nanoparticles could replace molecular biological drugs in cancer treatment due to their low side effects. Currently, molecular biological drugs are used in cancer treatment

 News Medicine

Polymer filter reduces chemotherapy side effects.

A new polymer filter that can be inserted directly into a patient’s vein has been developed by scientists at the University of California in Berkeley.

 News Medicine

Bone Marrow Donation for Leukemia Patients: Now Possible for All Parents

A breakthrough in the fight against leukemia may be on the horizon, as Italian doctors have developed a new procedure that could simplify the search

 News Medicine

Nanotechnology to conquer cancer

A new breakthrough in cancer research has been made by scientists at the Cancer Research Center of the University of California. They have developed a