News Psychology

Sharing Makes Children Happier

Sharing Makes Children Happier: Study Finds Psychologists in China have discovered that children who share voluntarily experience more joy than those who are prompted to

 News Economics

Rising Poverty Risk with Each Child

A new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation reveals that the risk of poverty for families in Germany is much higher than previously thought. The study,

 News Economics

Career aspirations of children and youth.

A recent study conducted by Appinio GmbH has revealed the most popular career aspirations among children and teenagers in Germany. Despite the rise of new

 News Medicine

Stem Cells Regenerate Cataract Lens

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have successfully grown a new lens in patients with cataracts through stem cell research. The traditional method of treating cataracts

 News Psychology

Religion breeds intolerance in children.

A recent study conducted by researchers on over 1,000 children from different cultural backgrounds has shown that children raised in religious households tend to be

 News Psychology

Babies Confuse Reality with Touchscreens

Babies and young children are increasingly confusing reality with the world of touchscreens on mobile phones and tablet computers, according to parents and researchers. This

 News Medicine

Risks of ADHD Medications

A recent study has shown that an increasing number of parents are discontinuing medication-based ADHD therapy for their children. The medications used to treat ADHD,

 News Medicine

Leukemia cases near power lines investigated.

British scientists have revisited the question of whether high-voltage power lines are harmful to humans and how exactly an increased health risk arises. For years,

 News Psychology

Lying Kids Increase Under Threats

A recent experiment conducted by Victoria Talwar and her colleagues from McGill University in Montreal has shown that threatening children with negative consequences for lying

 News Medicine

LEGO Play Creates Little Geniuses

Playing with small LEGO building blocks not only enhances children’s creativity but also improves their mathematical abilities, according to researchers at the University of Derby