News Medicine

Red Meat: Not as Unhealthy?

A new study has found that it is not red meat that causes inflammation, but rather the weight of the individuals consuming it. Inflammation is

 News Medicine

Irregular Sleep Affects Diet & Gut

A new study conducted by researchers at King’s College London has found that individuals with irregular sleep patterns tend to have poorer nutritional quality and

 News Medicine

10,000 Unknown Viruses Found in Diapers

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has discovered over 10,000 previously unknown viruses in the gut microbiome of babies. The

 News Medicine

E-Bikes Boost Fitness and Health

E-Bikes have been a topic of debate when it comes to their impact on health. However, a recent study has shown that motorized bicycles can

 News Technology

Thermo Mattress for Restful Sleep

A new mattress with an active heating and cooling system has been developed that significantly improves sleep quality and helps people fall asleep faster. According

 News Medicine

Less than 5 hours sleep harms adults

Adults who consistently sleep less than five hours a night have a significantly higher risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, dementia, and cancer. This