News Economics

Scientists call for meat tax.

The production of meat causes significant environmental and climate damage. Scientists are calling for the introduction of a meat tax to address this issue. The

 News Environment

Beware of Artificial Sunlight Reduction

Scientists have issued a warning against the artificial reduction of sunlight, citing the risks of solar geoengineering as too great. They are calling for an

 News Economics

Heavy Rain Threatens German Economy

Extreme rainfall is causing a decline in economic growth in wealthy countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany, according to a study by the

 News Environment

World’s Longest CO? Monitoring Interrupted by Volcanic Eruption

The world’s longest continuous carbon dioxide (CO?) measurement series has been interrupted by an eruption of Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano on Earth. The

 News Biology

Climate Change Stunts Tree Growth

The assumption that climate change positively affects plant growth due to an increase in warm days has been challenged by a recent study conducted by

 News Environment

Surprising Southern Ocean CO2 Sink

The Southern Ocean, also known as the South Polar Ocean, absorbs more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases, according to a recent study

 News Environment

Rapid Recovery of Tropical Forests

Tropical forests that have been cleared are recovering surprisingly quickly, according to a study by scientists at Wageningen University. The resulting secondary forests should therefore

 News Environment

Extinction of Species Fuels Wildfires

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is accelerating due to climate change, which could have significant impacts on local climate and marine ecosystems. The ACC is

 News Environment

Cycle Instead of Drive: Save 3.2 kg CO2 Daily

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists, led by Christian Brand, has found that city dwellers can reduce their carbon dioxide (CO2)

 News Environment

85% of World Population Affected by Climate Change

A new study conducted by the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) has found that at least 85% of the world’s