News Environment

Tourism Contributes 8% to CO2 Emissions

Tourism is responsible for eight percent of global CO2 emissions, making it a significant contributor to climate change. According to a new study by the

 News Environment

Climate Change Causes More Flooding

The impact of climate change on Europe has been significant, with increased rainfall leading to more frequent and severe flooding in the region. If this

 News Economics

Climate Change to Reduce Income in Germany

The impact of climate change on the global economy is becoming increasingly clear. A new study from the University of Cambridge has found that an

 News Environment

Melting glaciers trap more CO2

Glaciers have been found to play a significant role in slowing down climate change by binding large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.

 News Environment

Climate change deniers get more press

A new study published in the journal Nature Communications has found that climate change deniers receive more media attention than renowned experts, despite the overwhelming

 News Environment

Tropical Climate Causes CO2 Emissions

Tropical regions have been found to emit more CO2 than they absorb through photosynthesis, according to a study by the University of Edinburgh. The cause

 News Biology

Genetic Roots Create Resilient Crops

Genetically modified plants have been found to develop deeper roots, making them more resilient to environmental conditions and enabling agriculture in harsher environments. Additionally, these

 News Environment

Artificial Snowmaking to Prevent West Antarctic Melting

A team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has proposed a seemingly crazy idea to prevent the impending collapse of

 News Environment

Organic Farming Accelerates Climate Change

The ecological farming industry is known for its environmentally friendly practices, but a recent study published in the journal Nature has revealed that it may

 News Environment

Lab-grown meat not more eco-friendly

In-Vitro Meat May Not Be Better for the Climate Than Traditional Beef In-vitro meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is artificially produced meat from cultivated