News Medicine

Heatwaves Increase Substance Abuse

A recent study has revealed that extreme heat leads to an increase in hospitalizations due to drug and alcohol abuse. This could be a severely

 News Environment

Denmark stores CO2 under North Sea

Denmark has begun storing significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO?) under the North Sea, marking the first time the country has used the controversial technology

 News Medicine

Reduce Heat-Related Deaths in Germany

Germany has seen a tripling of the number of hot days since the 1950s, with a heatwave in 2022 resulting in around 8,000 deaths. The

 News Environment

Future Fridays’ Instant Traffic Plan

The transportation and building sectors in Germany have exceeded their annual emission limits set by the Climate Protection Act (KSG) in 2022. As a result,

 News Environment

White Special Paint Halts Climate Change

A white special paint that reflects 98 percent of sunlight and infrared heat could potentially stop climate change. Researchers from the University in West Lafayette

 News Environment

Ocean Colors Changing Due to Climate Change

Satellite images have revealed that climate change is affecting phytoplankton in global oceans, leading to changes in their color. This could make the marine CO2

 News Biology

Are Fish Getting Smaller Due to Climate Change?

A recent study conducted over 24 years in a warm coastal bay has examined the impact of climate change on fish growth. According to an

 News Economics

Unfair and Climate-Damaging Company Cars in Germany

The German government’s “Dienstwagenprivileg” policy, which provides tax benefits for company cars, is being criticized for promoting the purchase of high-end vehicles and hindering efforts

 News Geology

Volcanic Eruptions Cool Earth More

A recent study by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that current climate models have underestimated the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions, particularly

 News Technology

Hydrogen Production on Your Roof

In a breakthrough development, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed highly efficient photoreactor panels that can produce hydrogen, synthetic gas, or