News Technology

Hydrogen Production on Your Roof

In a breakthrough development, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed highly efficient photoreactor panels that can produce hydrogen, synthetic gas, or

 News Environment

USA Allows Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

The United States has become the second country to allow the sale of lab-grown chicken meat, with two companies receiving approval from the Food Safety

 News Environment

Alpine Lightning Doubled by Climate Change

The number of lightning strikes in many Alpine regions has doubled in the last 40 years due to climate change, posing a significant threat to

 News Geology

Groundwater Extraction Shifts Earth’s Axis

The extraction of groundwater by humans has caused a shift in the Earth’s axis, which holds the mass of the entire planet, in recent decades.

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Dog Bite Risk

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent. A recent study by the Potsdam

 News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Biology

Climate change shrinks deep-sea fish

The warming of the oceans has caused deep-sea fish to become significantly smaller, according to a study by the University of Vienna and the Institute

 News Economics

German Youth Prefer Cars Despite Climate Change

Young people in Germany still consider cars as the optimal mode of transportation, according to a recent study by McKinsey. However, the bicycle boom during

 News Environment

Farming for Climate Change Solution

The Earth’s atmosphere currently has the highest concentration of CO? in a million years, according to data from the American Meteorological Society. However, natural rock

 News Chemistry

Optimizing CO2 Capture with Electrochemical Cell

A new method for carbon dioxide (CO?) capture has been developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The new technique uses an