News Environment

Effective Climate Actions for Road Traffic

A new study has revealed that Germany must significantly reduce its CO2 emissions in the transport sector to achieve its goal of becoming climate-neutral by

 News Environment

Start-up allegedly begins geoengineering.

Make Sunsets, a start-up company, has reportedly begun geoengineering by releasing sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and interrupt climate change. This

 News Environment

Extreme Heat Belt Warning in USA.

A new study by the First Street Foundation has revealed that a region in the United States is set to experience extreme temperatures due to

 News Psychology

Heatwave fuels online hate speech.

Extreme heat is not only a threat to physical health but also to mental health and social cohesion. A study by the Potsdam Institute for

 News Biology

Wildfires Sped Up Earth’s Biggest Extinction

At the end of the Permian period, almost all life on Earth died out due to extreme fires that accelerated climate change with their CO2

 News Environment

New Global Drought Map

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is crucial for agriculture and

 News Medicine

Human Heat Tolerance Lower Than Expected

New research has found that humans are less able to tolerate hot and humid weather than previously thought. Even a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius

 News Environment

100% Renewable Energy Globally Achievable

The global energy system could be completely transformed to rely on wind, water, and solar power for a cost of $62 trillion, according to a

 News Environment

100 Tons of Plastic Collected

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is particularly important for agriculture.

 News Technology

Railway cars remove CO2 from atmosphere.

A new railway wagon with an integrated Direct Air Capture (DAC) system can remove CO? from the atmosphere cheaply and efficiently. Direct Air Capture (DAC)