News Economics

Germany loses 6.6 billion to climate change

Germany is experiencing the effects of global climate change, with rising temperatures and increased risk of floods, heavy rainfall, and other weather events. A research

 News Technology

Algae Panels: Oxygen, Power, Biomass

Mexican start-up Greenfluidics has developed an algae panel for buildings that can produce oxygen, electricity, and biomass. Algae can remove significantly more CO2 from the

 News Biology

1,000 Bacteria Species Found in Tibetan Glaciers

Chinese researchers have discovered numerous unknown bacteria in Tibetan glacier ice. Some of the microorganisms were subsequently cultivated in the laboratory for further analysis. Microbes

 News Environment

Preventing Airplane Contrails with AI

A new artificial intelligence (AI) developed by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) could soon reduce the formation of contrails from airplanes, which

 News Environment

Green Parties Benefit from Climate Change

A new study has linked weather data with election results for the first time, revealing that extreme temperatures lead to an increase in votes for

 News Environment

Space bubbles to halt climate change

A cluster of space bubbles positioned between the sun and the earth could potentially stop climate change, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of

 News Environment

Stop Emissions Now to Accelerate Global Warming

A new study by scientists at the University of Washington has found that an immediate halt to all human-made greenhouse gas emissions would initially accelerate

 News Economics

City tolls, speed limits, higher taxes

A new study suggests that a series of measures could make commuting by car less attractive and shift the focus to buses, trains, and bicycles.

 News Environment

First 3D Map of Pacific Dead Zones

The impact of climate change on the world’s oceans has led to the creation of “dead zones” where oxygen levels are so low that marine

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens Wine and Olive Production

The Azores high-pressure system has undergone significant changes in the last century due to climate change. As a result, Spain and Portugal have experienced a