News Medicine

Endurance Sports Trigger Natural Appetite Suppressants

A new molecule called N-lactoyl-Phenylalanin (Lac-Phe) has been discovered by researchers at Stanford University that could potentially form the basis of a medication to combat

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Clinical Trials in Germany: Often Unsuccessful

Only 14 out of 65 clinical Covid-19 studies have been successfully completed in Germany, according to a recent analysis by scientists from the Department of

 News Medicine

Golden mushroom compound fights coronavirus

Researchers have discovered that the bromotyrosines found in the Gold Sponge can combat multi-resistant bacteria and RNA viruses. A clinical study is set to investigate

 News Medicine

Killer Viruses Target Superbugs

Genetically modified phages have shown great potential in combating multi-resistant bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, these viruses have no side effects because they only target specific pathogens.

 News Medicine

New Antibiotic Discovered by Researchers

A groundbreaking new antibiotic has been discovered by an international team of researchers. This antibiotic is effective against numerous pathogens without developing resistance. However, it