News Medicine

Brain Implants Aid Severe Injuries

A new study published on Monday offers hope to the more than five million Americans who suffer from permanent disabilities due to traumatic brain injuries.

 News Medicine

The Invisible Influence: Pharma Money and Medication Choice

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City has investigated whether financial support from pharmaceutical

 News Medicine

Hairy Moles for Hair Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California has found a potential link between hairy moles and hair loss. The study focused

 News Medicine

New Health Benefits of Fatty Fish

A diet rich in fatty fish has been found to improve the lipophilic index in individuals with coronary heart disease or impaired glucose metabolism. Researchers

 News Medicine

Painless Vaccine Patch Coming Soon

Biotech company Vaxxas has developed a vaccine patch that can administer vaccines painlessly and needle-free in seconds. The majority of vaccines can only be administered

 News Medicine

Detecting Dementia 9 Years Early

A new study has found that early signs of dementia can be detected up to nine years before symptoms appear through health data and cognitive

 News Medicine

Does Vitamin D Reduce Cancer Mortality?

A recent study has investigated whether taking vitamin D can affect cancer mortality rates, particularly in seniors and cancer patients who often have a vitamin

 News Medicine

Destroying Liver Cancer with Ultrasound

A new treatment method for liver cancer based on ultrasound waves is offering hope for patients. According to the German Cancer Society, the number of

 News Medicine

Infertility from Covid-19 vaccine?

Recent studies have shown that some people fear that the Covid-19 vaccine may cause infertility. However, various publications from different institutions have clearly stated that

 News Medicine

Breakthrough in Male Birth Control

A breakthrough in male contraception has been announced by scientists at the University of Minnesota. The oral contraceptive, YCT529, has achieved a 99% success rate