News Environment

Farming for Climate Change Solution

The Earth’s atmosphere currently has the highest concentration of CO? in a million years, according to data from the American Meteorological Society. However, natural rock

 News Chemistry

Optimizing CO2 Capture with Electrochemical Cell

A new method for carbon dioxide (CO?) capture has been developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The new technique uses an

 News Geology

Rain in Dry Zones Increases CO2

The dry regions of the Earth are affecting CO2 concentrations more than previously thought. When it rains at the end of the dry season on

 News Technology

Algae Panels: Oxygen, Power, Biomass

Mexican start-up Greenfluidics has developed an algae panel for buildings that can produce oxygen, electricity, and biomass. Algae can remove significantly more CO2 from the

 News Environment

Plug-in Hybrid Cars’ Real Consumption

A recent study has revealed that the real-world fuel consumption and emissions of plug-in hybrid vehicles are significantly higher than official test results suggest. Plug-in

 News Chemistry

Plastic Waste vs CO? Emissions

A new CO2 absorber made from pyrolyzed plastic waste has been developed that can remove greenhouse gases from exhaust fumes in an energy-efficient and cost-effective

 News Chemistry

Platinum’s Impossible Reaction Decoded

Researchers have discovered a metastable state that explains why a platinum catalyst can be active below its threshold temperature. Platinum is a central component of

 News Environment

CO2’s Anti-Greenhouse Effect Underestimated

A new study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has found that the anti-greenhouse effect of CO2 has been underestimated. The study shows

 News Environment

World’s Longest CO? Monitoring Interrupted by Volcanic Eruption

The world’s longest continuous carbon dioxide (CO?) measurement series has been interrupted by an eruption of Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano on Earth. The

 News Chemistry

Sustainable Biofuel from Modified Gut Bacteria

Scientists at the University of California in Berkeley and the University at Buffalo have developed a method to produce biofuels from genetically modified Escherichia coli