News Environment

Climate Change – Environmental Groups Demand End of Commuter Tax Deduction

The German government is facing calls from environmental and social groups to abolish the commuter tax deduction, known as the Pendlerpauschale, due to its negative

 News Economics

The Future of Hydrogen Cars

BP Study Finds Hydrogen Vehicles Will Not Play Significant Role in Future Climate-Neutral Mobility A recent study by BP, one of the leading energy companies,

 News Environment

Hybrid Cars Emit More Than Expected

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Graz on behalf of the environmental organization Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that the CO2

 News Biology

Coral Adapts to Rising Temperatures

Palau’s coral reefs in the Pacific have adapted to climate change and higher water temperatures, but the threat of bleaching can only be prevented by

 News Environment

Wealthy households drive CO2 emissions.

Wealthy individuals are responsible for disproportionately high levels of CO2 emissions, with investments being the main culprit. As such, experts suggest shifting towards an income

 News Economics

CO?-Reduction doesn’t harm competitiveness

A new study by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has found that reducing CO2 emissions does not necessarily lead to economic disadvantages for companies. The

 News Environment

Mount Everest’s Snow Height Measured

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully modified E. coli bacteria to produce a type of bioplastic that can

 News Environment

Future Fridays’ Instant Traffic Plan

The transportation and building sectors in Germany have exceeded their annual emission limits set by the Climate Protection Act (KSG) in 2022. As a result,

 News Chemistry

Paracetamol from waste byproduct

The pharmaceutical industry has long been known for its negative impact on the environment, with many medications relying on crude oil as a key ingredient.

 News Economics

The Hidden Costs of Plant-Based Meat

Plant-based meat can significantly reduce the environmental damage caused by agriculture. However, this shift has hidden costs that have been largely overlooked. According to a