News Environment

Spain builds highway from recycled paper

Spain’s government is funding a new highway made from recycled paper instead of cement, which can reduce carbon emissions by up to 75%. Typically, roads

 News Environment

Massive marine protected area established

The transport sector in Germany has failed to reduce its CO2 emissions since 1990, making it the only industry to do so. To combat this,

 News Environment

Wealthy responsible for majority of CO2 emissions

The richest one percent of people in the world are responsible for more than double the amount of CO2 emissions than the entire poorer half

 News Environment

Dog’s environmental impact measured

A medium-sized dog produces as much CO2 during its lifetime as driving 72,800 kilometers in a car, according to a study by researchers at the

 News Economics

Underestimating the Cost of Car Ownership in Germany

Car owners in Germany are underestimating the monthly costs of their vehicles by an average of 50%, according to a study by the RWI –

 News Technology

US Military to Receive Mobile Nuclear Power Plants

The US military is set to receive a mobile nuclear reactor to power remote bases both domestically and abroad. According to the Department of Defense,

 News Economics

The enduring popularity of light bulbs

The classic incandescent light bulb was banned by the EU in 2009, yet many of these energy-consuming bulbs still burn in German households. However, switching

 News Technology

Bio-Ethanol reduces CO2 and particulate emissions

A new combustion engine developed by scientists at TU Wien in Austria has the potential to make truck transportation significantly more environmentally friendly. The engine

 News Environment

CO2 destroys cooling ocean clouds.

The rising levels of atmospheric CO2 pose a significant threat to the earth’s cooling systems, particularly the stratocumulus clouds. These clouds cover about 20% of

 News Environment

Tourism Contributes 8% to CO2 Emissions

Tourism is responsible for eight percent of global CO2 emissions, making it a significant contributor to climate change. According to a new study by the